Colorado Recap & Awakening Previews!

See the latest Regional breakdown below, plus a look at four more cards from Awakening!

77 players traveled to Pueblo, Colorado for last Saturday’s Regional – hosted by Chaos Games & More! In the previous two Regionals, Ally-based decks saw significant success – with Blue Tag Team Ginyu (Southern California) and Namekian Restored Gohan (New Hampshire) both putting up impressive results. Leading up to this event, it was clear that the still evolving Vengeance metagame would require a gameplan for Allies (reflected in tech slots like Tug of War and Black Chin Kick).


As evidenced by the Super Elite shakeup that ensued, this was a top-heavy event. Aside from Matthew Coombs, Tony Ortiz, and Elmer Walter adding to their point totals, the Top 16 featured a repeat Orange Adept Yamcha performance by David Meckler and a classic Namekian Knowledge Piccolo showing by John Milner. Blue Protective Yamcha also had strong presence, and ultimately it was Orange Adaptive Yamcha (Michael McCutcheon) that made it to the finals before falling to Black Devious Cooler (Michael Voght). Congratulations to Michael and Michael – both of whom have grabbed one of the rapidly dwindling World Championship Invites!

Colorado Top 4:

The Georgia Regional is up next, and you can pre-register (including a meal choice) here.

Dragon Ball Z: Awakening drops on October 28th, and the new Earth Dragon Balls are sure to make an impact! Last week, we explored Earth Dragon Balls 1-4  – and today we’ll finish off the set:

Earth Dragon Ball 5 offers a great deal of utility to both offensive and defensive decks. The ability to shuffle back another Dragon Ball can shut off a constant effect (such as Namek Dragon Ball 6), while returning one of your own DBs will protect it from capture or allow it to be searched out for another use. It goes on to include stage gain, as well as the “Devastating Blow” effect of banishing three cards from a discard pile. Unlike Devastating Blow, you’re able to target your own discard pile as well – setting up cards like Quickness Drill and Earth Dragon Ball 3.

Earth Dragon Ball 6 protects DBV by allowing you to Rejuvenate any Dragon Balls that are banished from your Life Deck by an opponent’s attack (due to matching a Dragon Ball in play) or effect (such as Broly Level 2). Note that some maneuvering is required to keep your DBs completely safe, as discarding a Dragon Ball from your hand that matches a Dragon Ball in play will still lead to it being banished. At the end of combat, the controller has the option of sending this card back into its owner’s Life Deck – both hiding its effect and granting Rejuvenate 1.

Namek Dragon Ball 7 has a glaringly powerful ability, and a key aspect of its potency is the snowball effect created when it is utilized multiple times per game. Conversely, Earth Dragon Ball 7’s best feature is only able to be used once per game – but the ability to end combat from your hand (with no cost) is one of the most versatile tools available in the entire card-pool. On top of that, it also serves to promote DBV, Namekian, and other Combo strategies by allowing you to place a Dragon Ball from your hand into play during combat.

Right off the bat, Allied Blitz offers an extraordinary amount of value for a non-Styled attack – with a cheap cost and high Endurance of 3. The immediate effect is relevant to numerous beatdown strategies, making all of your other energy attacks force your opponent to skip. Chaining attacks is always beneficial, and firing off multiple energies can help prevent becoming stage-locked. Finally, the HIT effect allows the Allies of non-Saiyan MPs to make unrestricted actions during combat – enabling both a swarm of attacks as well as access to several seldom-seen tech effects.

Check back on Friday for Trunks and the Red Ascension Mastery! Until then, you can find additional spoilers on the following fansites on podcasts:

5 thoughts on “Colorado Recap & Awakening Previews!

  1. Pingback: Colorado Recap & Awakening Previews! | DBZ Feeds

  2. I was upset with Assisted Kamehameha for the Saiyan caveat, but I’m very glad to see you balanced it with a non-Saiyan ultra.

    I think this is a good card. Maybe not as ‘ultra’ as I would like, but solid.


  3. The newest set looks great but my question is when are they going do and extended play where we can mix the old with the new. Because I have all these old cards that want to see play as well, as my older mp sets such as krillin, gohan, that could have great mixing effects.


  4. People are underestimating how powerful Allied Blitz is. It’s better then the spiritual reprint of Disc by a long shot. Yamcha, Tien, Ginyu and even ally GOHAN can take huge advantage of this card. The immediate effect is way better then the hit effect by a long shot. Very excited for the new set.


  5. Pingback: Tuesday Tidbits: Vegas Recap, Dragon Prix Info, and Awakening URs/Foils! | Panini America Dragon Ball Z

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