Panini Releases New Demo Decks, Card Images for 2014 DBZ TCG

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Hot on the heels of last week’s world premiere reveal of the first three Demo Decks and 75 card images from Panini America’s upcoming 2014 Dragon Ball Z Trading Card Game, company officials on Tuesday afternoon provided a new installment to keep enthusiasts busy between now and when the game releases on October 17. Today, the company released Demo Decks featuring Orange Goku, Namekian Piccolo and Black Krillin. Those three decks can be accessed as printable PDFs using the links below.

Accompanying today’s Demo Deck releases are must-see images featuring all 75 cards comprising the three respective decks. Panini America will release additional card previews in the coming weeks here on Panini America Dragon Ball Z; fans can also look for exclusive images to be previewed on partner sites Retro DBZ, DBZ Top Tier and DBZ Fanatics. Until then, check out the new Demo Decks and card previews after the jump.

Here’s the Black Krillin Demo DeckBlack Krillin Demo Deck

Here’s the Namekian Piccolo Demo DeckNamekian Piccolo Demo Deck

Here’s the Orange Goku Demo DeckOrange Goku Demo Deck

And here are the new preview images . . .

3 thoughts on “Panini Releases New Demo Decks, Card Images for 2014 DBZ TCG

  1. Are these the final versions of cards? Orange Destruction appears to be missing a “the” in the line “your opponent destroys (the) top X cards…”.

    Also, why is the Kanji for Goku’s cards placed OVER his image (for levels 2 and 4), when, for every other MP, the Kanji is BEHIND the image? Seems like a major lack of consistency.

    Thanks for the rest of the demo cards though!


    • Yes, these are final versions and “the” is missing on Orange Destruction.

      Goku’s aura in those images is not transparent and since they were provided by the licensor, we can’t edit them. We chose to place the kanji over the image instead of it completely being covered up.


      • Thanks for the reply!

        Some of the other MP cards have the Kanji completely covered up, so I guess I just don’t see why it’s an issue for Goku. Unless you’re saying that the personality’s BODY can cover it, but not their AURA? In any case, I’m super excited for the release, and truly respect and appreciate the work you all have done.


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